Bright Eyes, 5/?

A tiny bit of backstory on Josh’s part. No doubt Liz knows most of it, but I’m old enough to know sometimes internal family lore has things which written records do not. Witness my father-in-law making me swear to never tell his daughter, my wife, what happened to him on the Eastern Front and in the AVO gulag.

On a personal note, it seems I may soon have a great deal more time to write.

Enjoy my content? Buy me a beer!

“And, I’m already a little mixed up in politics:  my family in Huntsville has known the Wade family – the Empress’ husband – for several generations, before the Breakup, even.” He felt better after his nap and was no longer self-conscious when others would call out “Princess!” to Liz.

“I’m aware,” she nodded with that smile she seemed to have only for him.  “Any public records about you, I read.”

“Isn’t that a little illegal?”

“Possibly.” A shrug.  “My rank should have some privileges and I did not want to fall for an unsuitable man.”

“You mother certainly said I’m unsuitable.”

“I think she wanted me in some kind of marriage to one of the other imperial houses.” With a tug, she stopped their walk and leaned her head to his chest.  “I am selfish.  I want someone who can change worlds with me.”

“So the moon was just a warm-up?” he laughed but was surprised when her face came up and her eyes flashed like the sun.

“Yes, Intended Joshua.  I have many dreams for us and our children.  Here, and on worlds without end.”

Not sure what to make of that.  A hug is probably safest.  Which he did before getting them back into motion.  It would be time for their appointment in about ten minutes.

“So how well did you know Robert, my father?” she asked.

“Mostly though distant family connexions,” he tried to say but was quickly interrupted.

“I am not marrying a cousin, Joshua!  That’s wrong!” she cried.  But smiled.  “I’m kidding.  I looked and the sanguinity between you and it is almost non-existent.  We’re fine.”

She just violates private record with no hesitation at all.  Because she’s demi or a princess?  Or both?  He smiled back.

“Good.  So all we need to do is get this past the empress?”

“You do not ‘get things past’ my mother, Intended.  We will have her blessing or we’re scratching out a living in a moon crater as miners.” They stopped again, just before the building they had been in that morning.  “I’m told we’ll be in Conference Room Two in six minutes.  Anything else about my father?”

“His family helped my family when they came to Huntsville after the Second Thirty Years war.  We were Ernten then, but in the old US in the 1950s, German was still out of favor.  The Wade’s have been in that area forever and came out of the War of Northern Aggression not that bad off,” he explained as they walked up the four steps.  Expecting a sentry or two, there were none.  She must feel perfectly secure here.  “More recently?  I think back before he retired from his third term as mayor, he pulled a string or two to get me into the electrical apprenticeship program.  I know he sent me a letter of congratulation…”

They paused just inside the glass door.

“That was sent just before his accident.  I told you on the moon I was sorry for you loss and you told me to not bring it up again, but you did ask, Liz.”

“So long as we are always true to one another, then we will withstand much.” Princess Hartmann nodded to the woman at the reception desk who had stood and saluted, arm straight up, fingers just parted.  “This is my Intended.  I have a meeting with the Empress in three minutes.”

The woman waved at the stairs to her right.  Imperial family culture frowned on creature comforts such as elevators.

“Never having been a legionary,” he said softly as they went up quickly and she turned them left, “much of military ceremony is a blank to me.”

A door ahead on the left was just ajar.

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