
On Saturday I was a guest at a local author fair.  The idiots who run the County Library System scheduled this at the same time as an Ohio State football game.  That means nothing to me – not being one of these people – but it hit the attendance below the waterline.  Even tucked into a corner as I was (I wonder if they know my politics?) with three others, I sold eight books.  The guy to my left sold two.

Still and all, it was pleasant to chat with those who seemed interested, even if they weren’t buying.  Several voiced their surprise that in only four years, to the month, I was able to produce four plus one novels and a children’s book… plus short stories only followers of this blog read.  Quite the opposite of how I’ve seen myself:  lazy and distracted.  I’m sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Cleaned up ‘Friend and Ally’ and re-resubmitted it to Createspace.  I also filed for the Copyright on it.  The edit of ‘Foes and Rivals’ should be before my eyes in 48 hours; just in time to gorge myself on turkey.  Hopefully I’ll have its proof copy in my hands in less than ten days.  My Xmas deadline looms ever closer…

Continue reading “Homing”

Details, details…

As a guest of the local county library system, I am a “Featured Local Author” for a book fair on Saturday.  My 3+1 prior works are all in the box, ready to go.  I’ll be making a 60×40 inch backdrop will all covers and something about Machine Civilization on it to hang behind me.  Cash to make change and my Square card-reader for the plastic.  I’ve learned from observation to bring candy and put it in a bowl on my table.  People will stop and, guilty about taking something for nothing, ask about the books.  Sneaky, sneaky!

This is a jacket & tie event for me, so I’ll be cosplaying an adult.  An adult with a flask of whiskey; the close of the event could prove much more interesting that its open.

The sole partial fail is that I’ve only five proof copies of “Friend and Ally” available.  I’ll have a sign-up sheet if anyone else is interested, but still, that’s on me.  There will also be a laminated image of the front cover of “Foes and Rivals,” that Jacoby Alley should have complete in two days, with “Coming for Xmas 2018!”

And my table cover.  And the price sheet.  And the easel.  And the business cards.  And…

Oath Breakers

I’m credibly informed they do not keep your breath fresh.

Less than 36 hours after my declaration that “I’m not writing anything new this year!”… I saw something.

No, I’m not writing anything new in November  (he dessemulates); I’m far too busy for the Book Fair of the 17th and the release of “F&R” three weeks later!

But.  I saw the cover of my next book.  It’s bright to dark as you look right to left.  You see the sides of four older teenagers:  machine Henge, with her purple hair & gold eyes looks at her intended, human Gary with love. He returns that look, while back to back with his sister Faustina, with her dark hair & glittering turquoise eyes, as she looks to the figure in shadow on the cover’s left, tempting her to evil.

This is going to be seriously awesome. I’ve explored a little of this in my ‘Second Bridge’ and ‘Worlds Without End’ writing exercises, even noting at the time that Faustina needs her own novel…

That time is soon.



Fault Lies

I’m fully aware what a catastrophe the two “ending” posts of Foes & Rivals looked like:  they looked like shit.

My objective that weekend was to make an end; and, just for Nichole, I managed a poor one.

Do Gil & Mac really…?  What about Brunelli and Reilly?  Is all hope lost?  And what’s with Nike’s mystical bullshit?…

…are all questions I asked myself. And re-wrote, and addressed.  Each book is a challenge to myself; F&R was borrowing from Larry Niven:  how to destroy your own world?  To a large degree, I met that challenge.  And I’m never doing it again.  I’ve no idea what – or who – comes next.  But, no more misery.

NaNoWriMo 2018

Nope.  Not me.  Right around 2130 of Halloween, I send the third-pass edit of Foes & Rivals to my talented copyeditor, at the same time taking a vow I’d write nothing, original, in November.

I now turn to implementing her edits to Friend and Ally while she processes its sequel.  I don’t think I’ll have F&A ready for the Local Authors Fair on 17 November… maybe “limited edition” proof copies?  Like Niven’s first edition of Ringworld, where the Earth rotated in the wrong direxion.

Besides DayJob, Husband/FatherJob, and WriterJob of 173k words in 7 months, I am so, so tired.