Life Imitates my Art, etc.

Several Russian banks have joined the China International Payments System (CIPS), to ease operations between the two countries, according to a senior official at the Central Bank of Russia (CBR).

“As for the cooperation on payment systems, a range of banks are already connected to CIPS, allowing to facilitate payments routing procedure,” Vladimir Shapovalov, who heads a division dealing with foreign regulators at the CBR’s international cooperation department, said earlier this week during the international Russian-Chinese forum.

Wow.  No one saw that coming.

Continue reading “Life Imitates my Art, etc.”

Live Eyes. Dead Eyes.

After my 3.5 week hiatus between Dayjobs, I’m back to the grind tomorrow.  In the interim, since Ash Wednesday, I was able to lay down almost 18k words for my next novel.  Today, in fact, after hiding from my netbook for two days, they let me see 3800 words of their story!

Monday and Tuesday are merely HR orientation flak; Wednesday and Thursday begin my 10-hour days.  It will be an utter catastrophe if I allow my fifth day off to lapse into indolence.  I have come to see that “Worlds Without End” is going to be a two part book of somewhat unrelated stories but welded together by the same characters over two years.

My original target of completion of Easter is impossible.  I am to have the WWE manuscript complete by May 31st.

Below the fold, I introduce a new, secondary character.  I am tired and must to bed.

Continue reading “Live Eyes. Dead Eyes.”

Lent’s 2nd Sunday… PLOT!

Saturday was total fail; I had grown tired – no, tired is not the right word – I had grown tired of writing thousands of words about Gary and his family that are just about Gary and his family.  This is a business, after all.

So I bite the bullet and go get some rye whiskey (swidt?) and dark vermut.  Easter is my cutoff time for such, after all, and outside of Ohayocon I’ve been drinking cheap wine.

Thanks be to God and rye:  I lay down about 1800 words, some of which are below the fold, and at long last, the plot has arrived!  PS  If you’re offended by teens making out, skip what’s below… and get the eff off my blog.

Continue reading “Lent’s 2nd Sunday… PLOT!”

Lent Day 8 – checking in

Excepting Ash Wednesday, when I was re-reading old material for new ideas, my goal was 1,000 words per day, average.  Today I’m at 8,217.  Better news:  it just may be that the plot is showing up!  A fringe character’s older brother just might be holding a grudge against the machines… and willing to EMP the planet to plunge the remnant of the world into another Dark Age.  Exciting times!

Just to thank you for stopping by, I put a little of the last week under the fold.  Have a good weekend!

Continue reading “Lent Day 8 – checking in”


Month long books tour over.  Lent begins.  Daily Rosary plus trying for 500-1000 words per day for my next novel.  That fell apart immediately:  for Ash Wednesday I re-read a short/writing exercise called ‘Empire’s Agent’, wherein Hungarian former special ops now diplomat Arpad Rigo visits Lily Barrett in central Texas.  That got me re-thinking enough that the next day I put down 1800 words about how Mr Rigo is in Knoxville on some shady diplo-business, but staying with the Hartmanns.  Since then I’ve got 5,000 words, but the plot hasn’t shown up yet!

So I took another break today… thinking plot-like.  I know the theme of this new novel, with a title such as “Worlds Without End” you know is will embrace both our world, the machine’s world, and the life of the world to come.

I just don’t see how.  Yet.  Some breadcrumbs under the fold:  Rigo has his first dinner at the Hartmann’s place… and is intrigued by Gary and his sister.  Perhaps more later…

Continue reading “Yippie-kai-yea”

MachCiv Book Tour – Last Day

And going out with not one bangs but two!  First, in Straight from the Library we’ve a kind of character interview.  I wrote it as a machine recording from their future… an exchange between Nichole 5 and a human questioner.  It’s a little… odd.  But then machine memories will be.

The other stop is Hope, Dreams, Life… Love.  Things my stories are made of!  The handful of usual unimportant questions about me, but then I get to share!  A link to the somewhat rough short story I now call “Factory Girl” but is linked to under “Nike 1”.  I play in someone else’s sandbox to try to give two of my more tortured characters a chance at redemption.

It’s been a fun month, everyone!  My wife starts a new job on the 18th!  I also on the 25th!  Being Lent, I’m writing at least 1,000 words per day!  Knocking out the rest of “Worlds Without End” is in my grasp!  I hope everyone has enjoyed finding out more about my stories… please look forward to more!

