Annexation (2/4?)

Personal, back-channel diplomacy, is how the world works. Formal meetings are to sign treaties and look good for the cameras. You can get a lot more done over beer and bourbon.

I’m beginning to suspect that this will be five parts, not four. But, we’ll see. After this exchange, Johnston pays a visit to Douglas’ father, the former president of the GSS. That will be part three. Part four will be Stephen’s trip up north, to mirror Chesney’s down south.

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Annexation (1/4?)

Having ended Fusion on Monday, I mentioned it might be several days before another idea comes along. Turned out to be about fourteen hours. As a plurality – if not majority – of my books have a female lead, I quite deliberately wanted to avoid that. So, I went and looked at the Hartmann family tree I recently updated, and pondered.

He gets a few lines in Ice Inundation Intelligence, but I really do not know much about Stephen Johnston, Fussy’s second husband, other than that he was from the Gulf Shore States and something of a political maneuverer. So, here we are.

Don’t know how long this will go, so that’s the ? next to the “4” up there.

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Fusion (5/5 – End)

Fusion comes in at 4400 words and shall be a part of my next collection. Looking at the scrap of paper I made before Christmas, there were seven ideas on it. One was folded into Martian Wonderland and another here. As of this typing, no one in my head has given me the slightest idea as to what to do, next.

With Ash Wednesday, perhaps that’s why: I need a small break. No, of course I’ll not give up writing for Lent – that would kill me – but a little pause right now might be in order. My liver certainly thinks so.

As has so often happened before, be it music or images, the image at the end has been behind my eyes for much of this. I had no idea who she was; my oldest daughter explained it to me. Hope to see everyone no later than a week from today with a new story.

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Fusion (3/5)

Something I thought of a few days ago is how much time I spend on the greater Hartmann clan. My future history, after all, is called Machine Civilization. I’m going to keep this story focused on Thinking Machines, even if it is being told by a human.

In that regard, we get a little expo on Tay, then back to Dorina. I just set myself two of their days to get this resolved, so I think I’m on track for getting this complete in five parts.

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Fusion (1/5)

The last story of my second collection is entitled Broken Child. Lem is a three-year-old boy and the son of Roland, who is the son of Gary, Empress Faustina’s brother, and Skylar. Roland is demi-human and Sky an albino. It seems there was just enough genetic stress to trigger something very similar to Batten Disease in the boy. Fortunately, they have very clever friends, including Dorina, a Thinking Machine from tribe Tohsaka and the smartest person on earth. She diagnoses Lem and says he can only be cured at an equipotential flux point of a fusion reaction. With only one such reactor left on earth, in former China, Fussy’s fourteen-year-old daughter, Ildi, demi-human, is dispatched to negotiate. Things happen, and days later, Dorina tries to effect her magic. But, something is awry and matters do not go as planned. That’s where things open, below.

I picked part one of five out of the air as, again, I want this to be a SHORT story, not a novella. That means things have to happen fast, no matter what I may want to say. This story will be tech-heavy with reactors, genetics, etc. There will also be a large amount of politics, as we’ll see when Ildi starts talking.

Nurse Practitioner Tamera Keynes has been affiliated with the Hartmanns since Fussy was in her late teens. Fussy did not want too many of her family in the rump state of Chu at one time, so put her in charge. The story will be from her POV.

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Colour of Maine (1/3)

Happy New Year. Yeah, sure. Buy precious metals: silver and lead. In the meantime, I am beginning book #19: my third short story collection. Especially after my last three novels, there are many, many threads which need to be tied off. One of which is Miss Colour Jansen of Maine, Northern Federation, who Aurie made off with in Regent and we see now and again in Ice Inundation Intelligence. I threw some words at the wall between Christmas and New Years to give her closure, and that’s what we’ll see this week.

After that, I really need to find out what the hell happened in Broken Child, a story in Imperial Entanglements. I’ve seen resentment about Aurie being Fussy’s successor, and I’ve a few other things buzzing in the back of my mind, as well.

My objective is to have all the shorts done by Ash Wednesday. As I’m sure my copyeditor is giving up booze for Lent, he can bill me after Easter. That leaves me the task of one more novel, to be written, edited, cover, published, by June, just in time for Ximaginarium. I can do that.

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“The Fallen” 5/8

From where I started in the summer, this story continues to surprise me. I’d planned an intergeneration novel about the colonization of Mars, followed by some catastrophe where one or some of the demi-humans went feral. Obviously, they had other ideas.

This segment was what I was shown Sunday morning, and it, too, came out of left field at me. I thought I would have some scientific convos with Kira and politics with Fussy. I never envisioned Allie leaving her home world, but here we are.

May have to do a little research for what comes next. Writing “hard” science fiction, I cannot ignore Allie’s bones and muscles being weaker from growing up in a shallower gravity well. Heck, I’m not even sure where she lands: a demi of the Hartmann family in a Jap spaceship bearing news of aliens under Rus territory. It’s a mess.

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“The Fallen” 5/7

This is the next shoe to drop: Anton, as a soldier and diplomat of a minor power, sees what will come next: the shrine, the device behind the waterfall. Unlike the one Aqua hid, this will be in Russian hands in less than a month, with the potential to destabilize everything generations of humans, demi-humans, and Machines have worked so hard for.

The latter half of this segment did not exist until Sunday morning: Mass, again. This story is about to go off in a direction I never anticipated.

I would also like to formally thank Kalogeros Stilitis of Gab for his help with the Greek. I taught myself some koine Greek when I was 25 years old, but that was a lifetime ago and I recall almost nothing.

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“The Fallen” 4/21

Allie now knows that Kira and those on the surface are aware of her predicament. It is a comfort to her, to know that, sooner or later, she shall be rescued. When? That remains to be seen. In the meantime, she goes to take a look about.

I mentioned to some other writers I am dangerously close to writing myself into the kind of cavern Allie finds herself in. My stories are driven by interaction. Alone in a cave negates that. So, I’m working on a way out for myself as hard as Kira is for Allie.

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“The Fallen” 1/1

From the image all the way at the bottom, I had an idea. My demi-humans are known for their bioluminescent eyes. Was this young woman just taking a walk from her tent to cup a mouthful of water? About to dive in for a swim? Or maybe…

All things break down. Including civilizations. Including genetics. I began to wonder, what would a tribe of demi-humans be like in a non-technological world? They fact they think fast with quick reflexes would still be a positive survival factor; their ability to see into the Void would be useless. What would they keep; what is discarded? They can talk to one another by touch… do they lose vocal language?

And where did the image happen? Earth? Terraformed Mars? Some other world so far in the future I cannot grasp?

So, just like all the other times, I sat down and started writing. After my nearly ready to release “Ice Inundation Intelligence,” which I knew was a novel from the get-go, this is just me playing with ideas. Could be a short story; a series of them. I, honestly, had wanted to temporally backtrack, that is, fill in some of the gaps of people and event going all the way by to “Echoes of Family Lost,” but this opens six freakin’ years after “I I I.” Fine. Let’s see where it leads, frens.

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