
Bloody awful. By and large nice to have my girls home for a couple of weeks, but it seems around 18 December the wife and I got the Ohmygod! variant of ChiCom Kung Flu, so it has been a miserable time. Not as bad as the non-gengineered flu I had last February, I ran a fever for nine days, peaking, of course, on Christmas afternoon itself at 102F. My wife, with great consistency, has even the sniffles always turn into bronchitis, so she’s been hacking up her lungs for the same time.

Today is the first time I think I’ll be able to get back to both writing and making the final changes to “Obligations of Rank” to release commercially. I’m also due to report back to my DayJob on Monday, but I do not much care about that place anymore. Hospitals kill people for government money and my guilt in that complicity grows.

There’s much on my plate for January, including returning to making podcasts. Thanks to everyone’s support over this odd year and I look forward to it again, next year.

Still alive. Plus: editing

Yes, I dropped off the radar again. At DayJob, the IV Room assignment has become a punishment detail, what with all the drips for the vent patients we’re killing (avoid hospitals, everyone). At home, much better but just as busy: That short story I wrote in October, which was growing into a novella in November, has metastasized into its own novel, meaning over the last three weeks I’ve put down about 15,000 words.

Which all ground to a halt yesterday evening. I’d a few pages for the opening of part 2, but the main character, Allen, is presented with a nigh-well insolvable problem. Until I think of how he can solve it, nothing to type.

In the meantime, here’s an ad and a link to my copyeditor. The man is efficient and reasonably priced. I have relied on Mr. Zimmer for, what, five of my novels, now? And hope to continue to in the future.