Podcast 3: The Machines – everyone else

My shortest installment to date as I didn’t want to wander into the weeds again over what I know about the other two tribes, the androids, and synths. Details such as that, I believe, will be dealt with when I turn my attention to talking about the books and stories themselves.

Even so, I cover a lot of ground in little time. Next week will see us turn to the human sides of Machine Civilization, specifically the human families of the Barretts and the Hartmanns. See everyone then!

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Podcast 2: The Machines – tribe Tohsaka

This was clearly a case of my reach exceeding my grasp… or the other way round. I’d the same short outline I did for the first podcast and thought “well, it should be about twenty or twenty-five minutes.” No. Once I got into the weeds, the details, of tribe Tohsaka, the first machine family, I knew this would spill over into two if not three ‘casts.

As you will hear me explain, with a future history called Machine Civilization, it is rather incumbent on me to present them, first. There are three classes of AI’s: pure code, androids, and synths. Within just the pure code group are three families, named for their corporations. I’ve managed to talk a bit about one today and will see what I can cover next Friday.

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A special guest appearance! This is only the second time I’ve seen Fussy in-person in this novel. She was playful when messaging Robert through his tablet but is a much harder person in the flesh. I wonder if being an absolute monarch wears at her? She almost sounds relieved to think someone else will have the burden of the incorporation of the Midwest. And, just who might be her heir?

This is the conclusion of what will be chapter ten. There’s one more, with Centurion Hill taking his team further west then up to the Ohio River, but that’s another day. Please look forward to my next podcast, in two days; I’ll be getting into the details of the Machines of Machine Civilization.

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Hard Decisions

And just like a bad penny or a case of herpes, Sky is back again. Do I have to metaphorically spray Roundup on my story to get rid of her? At least she’s made her decision and is Roland’s problem, now.

The locals, not knowing what, or rather who is coming, Centurion Hill pressures Deke Webb into his decision, too.

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“L’audace, l’audace, toujours l’audace.”

Another meeting but it also offers readers a peek into the neo-feudalistic structure of the imperium. If some of the NPCs in the story have trouble wrapping their heads around it, I expect my readers to, as well. But I’ve never been one for huge blocks of exposition. I’m sure more will come out in some conversation in the future.

If I have to explain things, well, that like having to read the instructions to a game; by definition, that’s a failed game.

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A Series of Reveals

With my first podcast behind me – and already notes for the second – time to get back to what is happening in former Kentucky. The short answer is: quite a bit and very fast. I think these story notes will be the last or second-to-last chapter of this section.

It was, honestly, nice to get Sky off the stage. She tends to take over; like kudzu.

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Podcast 1: Introduction

Been meaning to begin this for some time, so better never than later. Many of my regular readers will know much of this backstory, but attention must be paid to beginnings. This will be a weekly feature wherein I talk about existing works, current projects, and blue-sky ideas. I hope everyone enjoys!

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“The George & Dragon”, pt3

This brings me up to about half of what I was shown on vacation. And speaking of which, I’m taking a tiny one; after last week’s industrial fun of 650 mile daily drives followed by canyon hikes at 5500 feet, then an 18-hour flight and wait back, the DayJob Sunday and each day this week until now, I dozed off twice yesterday. Not while compounding or anything such as that, but still. So, with today and tomorrow off, I’m doing as little as possible today and maybe some audio recording tomorrow. Very, very tired.

This is the third and last of the pub arc. I think we’ll see Roland and Sky one more time before Part II of this work-in-progress closes. I do know there’s a lot of politics coming up next.

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“The George & Dragon”, pt1

Even being tired at DayJob, I’m still trying to write down the reels I was shown on vacation. I think I’m as interested in Sky as Robert is, so she makes a quick reappearance. Additionally, a fellow Gabber has been having some health issues, so, besides praying for him, I also borrowed what little elements I know about him to create Tribune Atkinson of Tenth Legion. He’s only a bit part here but looms large at a meeting next morning. That’s likely 2-3 installments from now, ’cause it’s not just Sky who the young prince unexpectedly encounters in this pub…

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“The George & Dragon”, pt2

Would a force of nature such as Sky settle for a normal boyfriend? Of course not. Funny in that she does not begin to grasp what a world she might be pulled into: demi-humans and the imperial family. Could you imagine a family dinner and Roland walks in with the white wildcat on his arm? I’d love to see that! Maybe I will.

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